The post 2022 JAMB Result is out – The authority of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced that candidates that participated in its 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, otherwise known as UTME can now check their results. appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is recognised by law to conduct entrance examinations into the various universities/polytechnics/collegesother tertiary institutions in Nigeria.
Candidates that participated in the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) conducted between Saturday, 6th May and Sunday 15th, May 2022 can now check their results online/ofline (via SMS).
How to Check the JAMB 2022 Result
There are two ways to check your JAMB results. Candidates can access their results either online (via the JAMB portal) or via SMS (using JAMB shortcodes).
Using the online option is completely free; all you need is an internet-enabled device to check your results. The SMS option is ideal for candidates who do not have access to the internet or who live in areas with poor network coverage. However, network providers will charge for SMS usage.
The 2022 JAMB results have yet to be posted online as of the time of publication. Candidates can only check their results via SMS [for the time being, the Board has not uploaded the 2022 UTME results online].
Offline JAMB Result Checking (via SMS)
All candidates can now send UTMERESULT (no spaces) via SMS to 55019 or 66019, using the same phone number they used to register (you must have a credit balance of at least N50 on your line). The outcome would be sent to you as an SMS shortly after.
The following are the expected responses:
If a candidate enters a phone number that was not used to register, he will receive the following message: “This phone number was not used for registration.â€
A candidate who has received a result will receive the following message: “Dear Mr/Miss X, your result is as follows… (and further information will be provided).
If a result is withheld, the candidate will receive a “Result Withheld†message.
Assume a candidate falls into the category receiving the benefit of the doubt. In that case, the person will receive the message: “Result withheld pending the upload of clarifications/documents required from you.â€
If a candidate was absent, the feedback would be “CANDIDATE ABSENT.â€
A candidate who was ABSENT WITHOUT REGISTRATION NUMBER AND CANCELLED will be informed of this.
A candidate who gains unauthorized access to the examination hall will receive the message “Invalid Entrance into the Exam Hall.â€
Check JAMB Result Online (on JAMB portal –
STEP 1: Visit the Joint Admission and Matriculations Board (JAMB) result checking portal at
STEP 2: Supply your Registration Number/Phone Number in the required column
STEP 3: Finally, Click on the ‘Check My Results’ button to access your UTME results notification
FAQ as Regards Checking of JAMB Result
Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQ) by JAMB candidates. We have tried our best to provide the most accurate answers as possible.
How long will it take before I check my JAMB result after the exam?
According to JAMB, candidates that participated in the 2022 UTME will be able to check their results a few hours after their exam. Candidates are advised to follow the procedure outlined above to check their results.
Will I need a scratch card to check my UTME result?
No scratch card is needed to check the 2022 JAMB result. Checking of JAMB NOTIFICATION of result is FREE!
How many times can I check my 2022 JAMB Result?
You can check your JAMB notification of results as many times as possible.
The post 2022 JAMB Result is out – The authority of the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced that candidates that participated in its 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, otherwise known as UTME can now check their results. appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The post Universities that accept non-JAMB applicants (2022/2023) appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>Direct entry candidates may also want to take advantage of this opportunity if they missed DE registration or have just finished their NCE or ND programs when JAMB closed the DE registration portal.
You’re wrong if you think you won’t be able to get into universities without JAMB. I guarantee you a degree certificate if you know what others are doing to avoid JAMB and gain admission to universities.
List of Universities You Can Enter Without JAMB
Below is the list of those universities you can enter without JAMB and the corresponding programmes they offered for such admission.
University of Ibadan (Distance Learning Programme)
Ladoke Akintola University (LAUTECH Distance learning)
Osun State University (UNIOSUN Part-Time Degree)
Ekiti State University (EKSU Part-Time Degree)
Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU Distance learning)
Adekunle Ajasin University, Akungba (AAUA Part-Time Degree)
National Open University (NOUN Distance Learning)
University of Lagos (UNILAG Distance Learning)
Lagos State University (LASU Sandwich programme)
Ekiti State University (EKSU Sandwich programme)
University of Ilorin (UNILORIN Sandwich programme)
University of Abuja (UNIABUJA sandwich programme)
Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB Degree Part-Time)
Adeyemi College of Education (Adeyemi Sandwich programme)
Federal University Oye Ekiti (FUOYE Weekly/Weekend Part-Time)
Ladoke Akintola University, Ogbomoso (LAUTECH Part-Time Degree)
National Teachers’ Institute, Kaduna (Nationwide Distance Learning)
Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye (OOU) (Both Daily Part-time and Weekends Part-time)
Lagos State University Ojo Lagos (LASU Part-Time Degree programme)
University of Benin Edo Benin City (UNIBEN Part-Time Degree Programme)
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]]>The post How to Exceptionally Pass JAMB 2022/2023 and Score High appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>How Can I Achieve a High JAMB 2022 Score? How Can I Get a JAMB Score of 300? How to Pass the JAMB Exam Without Studying
If so, the post you’re currently reading will be beneficial to you.
Do you know that it is very possible to get a score of 300 or higher in JAMB 2022 without using a cheat or an expo? Your search is over because we are going to show you tried and true tips on How To Pass JAMB 2022 With Ease.
Many UTME candidates state, “I want to pass JAMB 2022 with a score above 300†or “I will pass JAMB superbly.†Nonetheless, many of them fail.
It is not because they intended to fail, but because they did not know the right path to take in order to pass JAMB with flying colors.
You’ve probably heard and seen it a million times.
We are here to expose you to the REAL JAMB SECRET so that you can easily pass the upcoming 2022/2023 UTME.
We’ll give you tried-and-true advice on how to pass JAMB 2022 without cheating.
In fact, the vast majority of UTME candidates used this tried-and-true method, and it worked for them.
Continue reading, Friend! By the end of this article, you will be more inspired, and you will be able to pass JAMB 2022/2023 with flying colors.
How to Pass Jamb 2021 in a Single Sitting
How to Prepare for and Pass the JAMB 2022 Exam
How to Get a JAMB Score of More Than 300 in 2022
How to Easily Pass Jamb
How to Pass the Jamb Exam Without Cheating
In this article, we’ll be dealing with a lot of questions.
Without wasting your time, we will quickly walk you through how to prepare for JAMB 2022 and pass with flying colors without cheating.
The techniques we’re about to demonstrate are highly addictive and work for 99.99 percent of all candidates who use them correctly.
If you are afraid of success or of passing JAMB 2022 with flying colors, don’t read this.
The secrets we are about to reveal to you in this article will help you score above 90 in subjects such as Mathematics, English Usage, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Economics, Government, Account, CRS, IRS, Commerce, Literature in English, Igbo, and so on in the 2022 UTME.
If you keep reading this How To Pass JAMB 2022 article, we can assure you that 300+ is your calling.
Is that correct? smiles….
If scoring above 300+ in JAMB is acceptable to you, then join me as I walk you through the process of how to pass JAMB 2022/2023.
How to Pass the JAMB 2022/2023 Exam
The Following Are Magical Methods For Passing The JAMB Cbt Exam 2022 /2023.
Early Preparation Is Critical
Set a high goal score.
The Correct Way to Study for JAMB
Consistently study
Examine the JAMB Syllabus
Utilize JAMB Previous Exam Questions
Make use of JAMB-recommended textbooks.
Discover How To Manage Your Time
Seek Assistance
Recognize and Improve Your Weaknesses
Maintain Access to Information
Engage Like-Minded People
Now that you know what it takes to pass the JAMB CBT SOFTWARE 2022, let’s go over each point one by one.
1. Early Preparations Matters
Never play with time when you are supposed to work with time.
If you wish to score very high in JAMB, then you need to start preparing very early.
Don’t wait till JAMB registration 2022 commences before you start studying for JAMB.
If you do so, you may not pass.
Early preparation provides you with some flexibility in your study schedule and allows room for any distractions such as unpredictable events.
As human beings, we are all subjected to procrastination, laziness, distraction, stress, and unavoidable family commitments.
Early preparation allows some room for these.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
2. Set A High Target Score
Aim for the MOON. If you miss, you may hit a STAR.
â€A famous quote by self-help business guru W. Clement Stone.
“It says a lot about why targets are important to every company and individual – and why it’s important to push yourself to aim highâ€.
A target is a goal that the individual is aiming to reach.
But targets don’t just tell us what we are aiming for – they let us measure the distance by which we fall short, and the amount of work we need to do to make it up.
You need to have a target in order to judge whether you are making improvements.
But how should you set targets? Well, aiming high is always a good start, but here are some other tips to consider.
That is; Be specific, Be realistic, Support top-level targets with lower-level targets, and Gamify!
If you want to score very high in JAMB 2022, you need to set a very high target score.
Tell yourself, “I want to score above 300+ in JAMB 2022â€.
But, here’s the catch.
You are likely to score below your target score.
So, target a very high JAMB score.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
3. Study For JAMB The Right Way
The way you study for JAMB will determine what your JAMB score will look like.
Taking exams is stressful, but you can make it easier by improving the way you study.
Studying for your exams effectively and efficiently will keep you from feeling unprepared, and it will set you up for success!
Plan review sessions beginning at least a week in advance of each exam.
Ideally, you’ll do several mini-reviews well in advance, gradually increase the time in which you study, rather than trying to cram everything.
It will be of tremendous importance to also note that not every candidate that scores low in JAMB didn’t study or prepared wellâ€.
Some actually studied, but they didn’t study THE RIGHT WAY.
Too often, it’s easy to view studying as something that only gets done at the last minute in a huge overnight cram session.
Instead, try setting aside some time every day to study.
Scheduling it just like another appointment or class may help you stay motivated to continue the habit.
Keep reading friend to find out how to pass JAMB CBT 2022.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
4. Study Consistently
Develop the habit of consistent reading.
This will help you understand and remember more.
Is JAMB hard? Not at all.
You just need to know what works and what doesn’t!
Don’t attempt to cram all your studying into one session.
Plan when you’re going to study.
Study at the same time.
Each study time should have a specific goal.
Never procrastinate your planned study session.
Start with the most difficult subject first.
Applying these few tips when studying will increase your chances of passing JAMB 2022.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
5. Work With JAMB Syllabus
The reason why students happen to get a little above their cut-off mark or get below their cut-off mark in the UTME exam is that they fail to make use of this very important tool called the JAMB SYLLABUS.
Scoring high in JAMB is very easy only if you prepare the right way.
The JAMB syllabus is an exam-planning tool.
See JAMB Syllabus For All Courses
It helps you prepare and organize the course.
It describes the course goals;
It Explains each subject structure, exams, review sessions, and other activities required for students to learn the material.
Remember, It is your DIRECTION and not your INTENTION that leads you to your DESTINATION.
You want to pass JAMB but you don’t know where you are going or what you need to do in order to pass JAMB 2022.
The JAMB 2022 syllabus is the first JAMB expo you can ever be given.
Try as much as possible to make the right use of it.
In the syllabus, you will find the list of topics you are required to cover for each subject.
Trust me, you can also find likely questions in the JAMB syllabus if you use it the right way.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022/2023.
6. Make Use of JAMB Past Questions
Make Use of JAMB Past Questions
Have you heard of the fact that JAMB repeats past questions yearly?
Is it true that JAMB repeats past questions?
Yes. This is very true.
Things have changed a bit.
Before, JAMB used to repeat past questions word for word.
Now, the questions are usually modified. So, this is why I say:
Don’t cram JAMB past questions and answers!
The Importance of studying JAMB Past questions is that you will;
Know the pattern of questions you are going to face
It help you detect your strength and weakness
It also help you focus on the right things to study
Give you info on the difficulty of the exam
A practice tool to improve efficiency and accuracy
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022
Click Here To Practice JAMB Past Questions.
7. Use JAMB Recommended Textbooks
The next tip on how to pass JAMB 2022 is to make use of JAMB recommended textbooks.
If you want to prepare for JAMB and pass excellently, then there are no substitutes for good textbooks.
But, here’s the question.
How do you find the best textbooks to read for JAMB and pass?
Simple, the best way is to check JAMB recommended textbooks for each subject.
These textbooks have been properly reviewed and found to be good enough to pass JAMB 2022.
But, here’s the catch!
I didn’t review and suggest them, the JAMB board did!.
So, tell me. Do you think the board will ever review a textbook that does not meet the standard of its examination?
Definitely Not!
Another way to find out very good textbooks to prepare for JAMB is by asking those that have done JAMB and passed excellently.
Make sure you get recommendations from more than one reliable source and compare your findings.
Then, you can easily find out which textbook has been used by many candidates and helped them well.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
However, if you are not sure, just stick to JAMB recommended textbooks.
JAMB Textbooks contain numerous features that you don’t always encounter in novels, articles, or other types of texts.
These features provide a wealth of information and clues about the text.
You should always spend a few minutes previewing a chapter or section before you start to read so that you can get an idea of the main concepts in that section.
This will help you to have a better purpose and focus going into the reading and will help you to be able to pull out the important ideas more easily.
8. Learn How To Manage Your Time
Learn How To Manage Your Time
Another factor that differentiates candidates who pass JAMB from candidates who score low in JAMB is their TIME MANAGEMENT SKILL.
To pass JAMB, you must know how to spend your time the right way.
Good time management allows you to accomplish more in a shorter period of time.
It leads to more free time, which lets you take advantage of learning opportunities, lowers your stress, and helps you focus, which leads to more career success.
Each benefit of time management improves another aspect of your life.
Effective time management allows you to complete more in less time because your attention is focused and they’re not wasting time on distractions (such as social media, for example.
Efficient use of time also reduces stress, as you tick off items from your to-do list.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2021.
9. Know And Improve Your Weak Points
HOW TO score 300 in JAMB 2022
Knowing your own strengths and weaknesses gives you a better understanding of yourself and how you function.
Knowing your weaknesses gives you a clearer understanding of things that may be holding you back, and you can then work around finding ways to not let your weaknesses pull you behind.
When you know your strengths and weaknesses, you can create a development strategy that focuses on your specific development needs.
How To Improve Your Weakness
First, Identify your strengths.
Before you consider your weaknesses, take a little time to consider your strengths.
Identify where you could use some improvement.
Consider the benefits of changing.
Set specific goals.
Embrace the challenge.
Be consistent.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
10. Stay Close to Information
Having adequate information is extremely important in both Academic Life And Social Life.
Learning something from inadequate information is the same as not learning anything at all.
If you base your ideas and beliefs on false information then you will never be able to fully form those ideas or beliefs.
What will you gain if, at the end of everything you still make a simple mistake that costs you a year at home?
During the period of JAMB registration and preparation, a lot of updates will be released.
One way to get these updates is to visit SCHOOL BEGINNER daily or subscribe to our daily newsletter.
It will interest you to know that Information is the light of the world.
If you are not informed, you will be deformed.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
11. Engage With Like Minds
Engage With Like Minds to pass jamb
By engaging with like-minded professionals, you may learn from them at a much faster rate than you would learn on your own.
Constant communication with others may help you create and refine your ideas.
It can also prevent you from investing time in unproductive tasks.
The benefits are clear.
Tony Robbins frequently talks about how “Success Leaves Clues.â€
What he’s referencing in that statement is the fact that if you want to be successful, you should model those who are already where you want to be.
And you know what? He’s right.
Success is not an independent journey.
We’ve all had to rely on others to get us to where we are, and we will continue to have to lean on others, in some way, shape, or form, to get to where we want to go.
Now, if having role models in life can impact your success, imagine actually having a relationship with them.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
As the old African Proverb says,
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.â€
Connection breeds confidence, and confidence breeds results.
Therefore, your ability to surround yourself with people who motivate, inspire, and hold you accountable is important to your success.
We can see this by the growth of the mastermind group concept and people collaborating together.
There’s no disputing the importance of connecting with like-minded people.
So, if you’re on the bandwagon and are ready to connect with others who will inspire you, hold you accountable, and push you to higher levels of success, then keep reading.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2021.
Scoring 300+ in JAMB 2022 will become easier for you only If you follow the above tips and recommendations.
Believe me, Nothing can stop you from passing the JAMB CBT exam 2022.
Life is all about determination.
Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.
The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.
Determination is what motivates us to improve ourselves, make positive changes in our lives, and increase our chances of success.
It enables us to build dreams, live healthier lives, and strengthen our relationships with others.
Determination inspires us to dream bigger and achieve more for ourselves.
When we adopt hard-working, successful people as role models, we fuel our own determination and stay inspired to create new goals.
So far, we’ve provided you with the most inspiring tips to encourage you to go for your dreams!
Always remember that To Score 300+ in JAMB 2022 early preparation matters.
This is also another secret on How To Pass JAMB 2022.
The post How to Exceptionally Pass JAMB 2022/2023 and Score High appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The post Exam Slip Re-Printing Procedure for the 2022 Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The exam slip, which includes each candidate’s exam schedule (date, time, and location), is now available for printing on the JAMB portal.
Candidates who have registered for the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) can begin printing their notification slips for the exam on Saturday, April 30.
The 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) will be held nationwide on Saturday, May 6, 2022.
Candidates are advised to print their slips prior to the start of the JAMB Exam in order to become acquainted with the examination schedules, as no excuse for missing the examination will be accepted.
How to Print the JAMB Exam Slip displaying the date and time
It is simple to reprint a JAMB registration slip. All you’d need is your registration number to print your JAMB exam slip, which will show your exam schedule. To complete the process, follow the steps outlined below:
STEP 1: Navigate to the JAMB UTME e-slip printing page, which can be found at
STEP 2: Fill in the appropriate column with your JAMB Registration Number, Email Address, or Phone Number.
STEP 3: Finally, to access your exam schedule, click the ‘Print Examination Slip’ button.
Note: Please allow a popup for the JAMB site ( from your browser.
All candidates are advised to prepare ahead and stay close to their examination venues, if possible, they should pay a prior visit to their centres before the date of the examination.
The post Exam Slip Re-Printing Procedure for the 2022 Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The post The Mock Exam Result for the 2022 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is now available. appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The results of the approximately 175,000 candidates who sat for the mock examination in various locations across the country have been released.
Before you proceed, JAMB CBT Software for 2022 UTME Candidates to Get High Score | FREE DOWNLOAD from Here to get a high score in the forthcoming examination.[ Download JAMB CBT Practice Software from Here]
2022 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Mock Exam Result is Out
Olusegun Updated on Apr 10, 2022
The results of not less than 175, 000 candidates that participated in the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) 2022 mock examination have been released. See how to check the JAMB mock result below.
JAMB mock result
This is to inform all the candidates that participated in the 2022 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) MOCK EXAMINATION conducted on April 16, 2022, that they can now check their scores online.
The results of the about 175, 000 candidates that sat for the mock examination in centres across the country have been released.
Before you proceed, Download JAMB CBT Practice Software from Here to get a high score in the forthcoming examination.
Checking of JAMB mock exam results is free. Follow the procedure outlined below to access your result.
STEP 1: Go to JAMB Mock result checking portal at
STEP 2: Supply your Email address/JAMB Registration number in the required column
STEP 3: Finally, click on ‘Check Mock Results’ to access your JAMB Mock Exam Score
Note: the results are not for the purpose of admission or matriculation consideration.
The post The Mock Exam Result for the 2022 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB) is now available. appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The post Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Admission List for 2021/2022 Academic Session | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Batch IS OUT and how to check it. appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The management of the Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU), Ago Iwoye, Ogun State, has announced the release of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th batch admission lists for the 2021/2022 academic session.
Candidates that participated in the post UTME screening exercise and applied for the Direct Entry can now check their admission status online.
How to Check OOU Admission List Online
Follow the simple steps outlined in the post below to Check the OOU Admission List online:
log onto OOU admission status checking portal at
Make sure you Enter your JAMB Registration Number and Password correctly (For the first login, use your SURNAME as password) in the provided columns.
Finally, click the “Login†button to access your OOU admission status.
NOTE: This is to inform all candidates being considered for Admission for the 2021/2022 Session that the Admission Exercise has been put ON HOLD. Candidates involved are ADVISED to IMMEDIATELY upload their O’level Results on the JAMB Portal, accept their Admission Offers,print their Admission Letters
It is emphasized that ONLY Candidates who have complied with these Instructions will be processed further by the University.
Candidates not yet admitted should note that admission is in progress, and regularly check the JAMB site and the University website for their admission status.
You can also follow the procedure outline below to check your OOU admission status on the JAMB portal:
Go to the JAMB E-Facility portal at
Login to your Jamb profile with your username and password.
Scroll down then locate and click the ‘Check Admission Status‘ tab.
Select your Exam year and Enter your registration number in the required columns.
Finally, click on ‘Check Admission Status‘ to access your OOU admission status.
Congratulations to all the candidates that made it to the OOU admission list.
The post Olabisi Onabanjo University (OOU) Admission List for 2021/2022 Academic Session | 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Batch IS OUT and how to check it. appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The post NABTEB certificates are recognized for Admission – JAMB appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>In the statement published on the 31st of January, 2022, on the 1st and 8th pages of the JAMB Bulletin, Volume 2, No. 61, it was averred, however, that the NABTEB Advanced General Certificate in Education (NAGCE) is not recognized, approved or known to law.
According to the Bulletin, which is a publication of the Office of the Registrar, JAMB, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board is constrained to make this clarification to remove all doubts as to what is acceptable or otherwise.
It stated further that the Board (JAMB) advises candidates who have the right certification from NABTEB and other recognised bodies to pursue their admission dreams without any hindrance.
The post NABTEB certificates are recognized for Admission – JAMB appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The post Failed JAMB? Register For IJMB Registration Program To Gain Admission Without UTME After One Year appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The programme at the initial stage was designed to provide an opportunity for candidates who cannot gain admission to regular degree programmes in Northern Universities due to different reasons. The entry qualification into IJMB is purely Ordinary Level result (O’level) also, candidates awaiting result can also apply.
IJMB has Approved: By the Federal Government has a platform for securing admission into higher institution in the country and abroad.
IJMB is Guaranteed: Yearly, about 20,000 applicants put in for the programme in which more than 70% fraction successfully secure admission with it into 200 level to their preferred institution & course.
IJMB is Certified: By Nigeria University Commission (NUC) has an Advanced level examination that qualify students into 200level via Direct Entry.
HOW IT WORKS: Prospective candidates are required to select any THREE (3) A/L IJMB Subject Combination identified with their preferred course of study in the university be it Science, Art or Social Science Course.
Candidates would then be lectured for the stipulated period at their respective Study Centre and thereafter sit for the final examination. On completion of the programme, successful candidates accordingly utilize their IJMB certificate to secure admission into 200level in any Nigeria tertiary institution via Direct Entry.
IJMB certificate is presently recognised and accepted in more than 80% of Nigeria federal, state and private Universities. Thus, prospective candidates can check (item 2.2) of JAMB BROCHURE to confirm its legibility.
See: Official list of Universities accepting IJMB Certificate
The programme runs for a maximum period of one academic session(9-10month) divided in two(2) semesters. Academic activities in all our IJMB centres begins every March and ends January. The examination is conducted every February.
PROGRAMME ELIGIBILITY: The programme is open to all interested candidates nationwide and any course can be offered be it Science, Art or Social Science.
IJMB Alevel Registration has a dedicated application page for IJMB registration.
All candidates who want to apply for IJMB programme should visit our IJMB application page.
We have detailed guild and procedures to follow for registration thereon.
IJMB Requirements
IJMB requirements and primary entry qualification is your ordinary level result. Before anyone can apply for IJMB, such must have completed his/her secondary school education. However, candidate awaiting ordinary level result can also apply for the IJMB programme. Candidates who is rounding up secondary school can also apply for the programme.
Who Can Attend IJMB Programme?
IJMB can be attended by any interested and qualified candidates. By qualification, candidates must meet-up the basic requirements as stated HERE
How To Make Use Of Your IJMB Result
To use your IJMB result to gain admission into 200 Level, you need to visit JAMB website or their nearest office to obtain D.E form (Direct Entry), fill them in correlation with your IJMB result, by then you have the opportunity to choose first and second choice university.
IJMB result does not expire, thus candidate can use their result anytime needed.
IJMB Syllabus To Help Students To Study Ahead (PDF)
When you do not make mistake with your registration, IJMB Syllabus is added as a PDF to the information that will be sent to you. Candidates are meant to download this IJMB syllabus in this file to start studying and to know what is expected from them at the end of the lectures.
IJMB Academic Calendar – 2021/2022 session
IJMB calendar starts by November every year and it ends by April for the registration of the following year. By March, while the registration is still going on, the lectures for the session will start, which is usually within the mid of March and early April.
The lectures will run through to December from that March/ April. For January the revision for the session will start. IJMB examination can start from late January or early February, and the examination last for three weeks. By late April the same year the result will be released.
IJMB Quick Links For Further Important Information
You can register at our various IJMB centres in Nigeria, We have IJMB centres in different states in Nigeria. Candidates are advised to register on-time into their desired centres before each centre admission quota is exhausted.
Nigerian Universities Requirement For IJMB Admission
We have told you the requirement you must meet before student can apply for IJMB, we will quickly tell each requirement you must meet to study the course of your choice in the university you wish to do your undergraduate programme after being through with IJMB.
IJMB Official Website
IJMB Alevel Registration is the official IJMB registration website of The institution, IJMB Alevel Registration. The board, IJMB as at the time of writing this does not have any official IJMB website. We thus advise candidates to be careful with anybody claiming to be IJMB official website as most are fraudsters and imposters. Candidates should register directly with us or at any of our IJMB centres closer to them.
Please use any of the Links that relates to your search and queries on IJMB.
Different questions have been answered, on our IJMB Frequently Asked Questions page.
IJMB Admission Requirements
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]]>The post Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) USSD Code: 66019 the New Addition to 55019 appeared first on Exam Scholars.
]]>The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has adopted 66019 as an additional and optional USSD code besides the 55019 code that had been in operation since 2018 for UTME/DE registration and other essential services offered by the Board.
This is to facilitate a hitch-free 2022 UTME/DE registration exercise by ensuring that there is no difficulty whatsoever in the creation of profiles by candidates, especially in a situation whereby many of them would be sending their requests via just one USSD code as hitherto the case.
All candidates are advised to start preparing for the examination by downloading the EXAMSCHOLARS CBT SOFTWARE to help them scale through the JAMB exam.
In essence, the 55019 and 66019 are to be used to create their profiles for registration by candidates sitting the 2022/23 UTME/DE. As usual, candidates are required to send their National Identification Number (NIN) via either of these USSD codes for their details to be pulled from the NIMC database before they proceed to any accredited centre for biometric capturing.
It would be recalled that the Board had earlier given indications that, in its efforts to eliminate all bottlenecks associated with the creation of profiles, it was perfecting arrangements aimed at adopting an additional USSD code (66019) besides the 55019, which the Board had used exclusively since 2018 for its UTME/Direct Entry registration and examination exercises.
Registration for the 2022 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and the Direct Entry (DE) will commence on February 12. Check JAMB Form 2022 › Registration Instructions & Guidelines.
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